But the best of all was a combination of thinning and controlled burns.
Over the next two months, the computers would control burns that would gradually circularize their course just inside the orbit of Phobos.
Today, controlled burns present new problems: air pollution violations and lawsuits over accidentally burned houses or car accidents on smoke-covered roads.
The common practices Controlled burns for prevention of forest fires.
Replies: Danika, Firefighters and land management groups will have "controlled burns" also known as a controlled fire.
May include controlled grazing of livestock, controlled burns, timbering, and others.
"There's a lot of interest and consideration in having controlled burns," Professor Gurevitch said.
These fires were typically controlled burns or "cool fires", as opposed to uncontrolled "hot fires", which damage the soil.
The most common form of anthropogenic fire is controlled burns, or broadcast burning, which people have employed for thousands of years.
Historically, controlled burns had been utilized to thin forests.