Rear suspension had a live axle, also sprung by torsion bars, and located by a Panhard rod and a central, transverse A-arm to control acceleration and braking forces.
In terms of the basic physical tasks required, a driver must be able to control direction, acceleration, and deceleration.
The brakes are used to enable deceleration, to control acceleration when going down slopes or hills and to keep the cars standing while they are parked.
The power electronics also controls acceleration, and does it smoothly.
The studs control acceleration, deceleration and maneuverability.
A single lever controls both acceleration and braking.
The two foot pedals in the main hull controlled not only acceleration, but also maneuvered the four one-horsepower thrusters.
The player controls the position of the red motorcycle with the Y-axis of the directional pad, and controls acceleration with the A and B buttons.
Circuitry controls acceleration and deceleration so the motor starts and stops gradually to prevent lurching.
Their duties require that they control acceleration, braking and handling of the train underway.