The British officer got there first, but knew there was a secret agreement for the French to control Lebanon.
The scope of the attack forced Lebanon (whose army does not control southern Lebanon) to request a cease-fire.
Although the French once controlled Lebanon, their recipes did not influence Lebanese cooking, other than to leave a flair for presentation and service.
Syria has effectively controlled Lebanon since it moved troops into the country in 1976, at the outset of the civil war.
Syria effectively controls Lebanon through a force of 35,000 deployed there.
Syria controls Lebanon, and there can be no peace on Israel's Lebanese border unless and until Syria moves.
Assad himself sought to control the PLO and Lebanon.
From 1968, the PLO controlled southern Lebanon.
Egypt also volunteered to send its minister, as did Syria, which effectively controls Lebanon as a client state.
But if he dies, it's not clear that Syria can control Lebanon or that the Golan border will remain peaceful.