The law's prohibition on the largely unregulated contributions known as soft money is justified, the opinion concluded.
Two-thirds of the $60 million raised by the Democratic Party came in the form of large, unlimited contributions known as "soft money."
It would, among other things, ban the unlimited and unregulated contributions known as soft money.
Any changes to those registered had to be accompanied by a monetary contribution known as a 'wage of faith.'
Additional contributions, known as catch-up contributions, for workers age 50 and older.
In its platform, the party advocates a ban on political contributions known as soft money.
The 1996 election was marked by concerns and scandals over the unregulated contributions known as soft money, she noted.
The groups said the parties had established "shadow committees" that would let them illegally continue to receive large unrestricted contributions known as soft money.
He is primarily recognized for the contribution now known as Roy's identity.
Some of the most valuable provisions in the bill would end the unlimited contributions known as "soft money."