Since the campaign began in November, more than 6,000 people and organizations have contributed to the Neediest Cases 79th annual appeal.
Last year, more than 15,000 individuals and organizations contributed a record $4.4 million to the Neediest Cases.
Many people choose to mark special occasions by contributing to the Neediest Cases Fund, which is making its 77th annual appeal.
Last year, at least 15,580 individuals and organizations contributed a record $4.4 million to the Neediest Cases.
More than $240,000 in today's total comes from people and groups that have been contributing to the Neediest Cases Fund for years.
Last year, nearly 13,500 individuals and organizations contributed $4,590,568.69 to the Neediest Cases Fund.
One business, which wished to remain anonymous and has contributed to the Neediest Cases for years, increased its gift by several thousand dollars to $25,000.
It is a problem that has concerned many who contribute to the Neediest Cases, and a number of gifts have been designated for single mothers.
The foundation has contributed to the Neediest Cases Fund 19 times since 1980, but this gift is by far its largest.
One of those was contributing to the Neediest Cases Fund.