He became one of three writers who contributed scripts during the series' eighteen-year run.
Together with his wife Khesya Lokshina he was director of several films, for which he also contributed scripts.
As a teenager he began to write a syndicated newspaper column called "This Minute" and contributed scripts to radio.
Nation suddenly found himself a telefantasy writer at the centre of a media frenzy, and went on to contribute several further scripts to Doctor Who.
Rose wrote for other comedians and contributed scripts to several television series.
He also contributed scripts and poems to Mutual's Family Theatre.
Boam, who served as executive producer, also contributed scripts for the show.
Biggers and Stover contributed both scripts and songs to the series.
He edited and wrote large parts of the first three issues and continues to contribute scripts.
In the 1970s he also contributed scripts for a number of BBC comedy shows.