Ewins was also still contributing art to 2000 AD at the same time.
Carl Corley in the 1950s contributed homoerotic art to physique magazines, signing the work for publication with his own name.
Mr. Luers noted that 195 donors contributed art to the museum last year valued at more than $71 million.
Jock has contributed concept paintings and key art to a number of film productions and promotional campaigns.
Brown has contributed interviews, critical essays and art to the publication.
Meanwhile Rosa participated in contributing art and articles to comic collector fanzines.
Klarwein also contributed art to three albums by Per Tjernberg.
Tsai also contributes covers and interior art for Marvel Comics.
Revenues from these projects are given to traditional charities, often in collaboration with the artists who have contributed their music or art.
Modern Humorist has freelance relationships with major magazines to which it regularly contributes art and humor.