The memory of it contrasted starkly with what he saw.
This scene contrasted starkly with conditions two years earlier, as described by several workers.
It just looks cheap and is starkly contrasted against the rest of him.
But it actually looks less so than before, since the blue is no longer starkly contrasted with dark passages.
That contrasts starkly with the situation in the 1980's, when expenditures on national defenses dominated spending.
The positive reception of the public at these events contrasted starkly with his ostracism back in Washington.
Interestingly, this attitude contrasts starkly with how people conduct their clinical practice or academic research.
That contrasts starkly with the ratings after the last municipal cuts in 1975, when the city almost went bankrupt.
While more clearly written, their essays express ideas whose difficulty contrasts starkly with the simplicity of the art on view.
He provided some of Indian cinema's most breathtaking images in starkly contrasted black and white.