Anglophone pink film authority Jasper Sharp contrasts Yoshiyuki's style with that of well-known female pink director Sachi Hamano.
Surrounded by a group of Boy Scouts at a recent news conference, he contrasted his style, saying, "We will play fairly and with honor and we will win."
A Loewen spokesman, saying that the company had no predisposition toward the offer, contrasted Service Corporation's style with his company's gentler approach.
Heer contrasted Delisle's style of travel writing favorably to the "hit-and-run style" of writers like Thomas Friedman.
However, it contrasts the original album's stark style and lo-fi production with bass-driven, musically-varied production and sonical illumination of Scott-Heron's vocals.
The Kansan contrasted his less public style with that of Bishop Paul Moore Jr., whom he has been selected to succeed.
Nika also said that the video contrasted with Lady Gaga's style and that it was another "pop art effect" for Knowles.
Dinkins contrasts his style with Koch's.
He contrasted his style with that of Max Roach: "Max plays melodically from the rhythms he plays.
He has been happy to contrast his style of economic decision-making and the kinds of people he relies on with those of Mr. Clinton.