Evolutionary psychologists contrast their approach to what they term the "standard social science model," according to which the mind is a general-purpose cognition device shaped almost entirely by culture.
General Odierno contrasted his approach with the last effort to secure Baghdad, effectively abandoned for lack of enough Iraqi troops last fall.
He contrasts the scientist's Popperian approach to the philosopher's Platonic approach, which he describes as pure reason.
Keynes contrasted his approach to the 'classical' (more commonly 'neoclassical') economics that preceded his book.
Mr. Christie contrasts his approach to the "Germanic tradition of great Romantic orchestras and great voices."
He contrasts his basic approach to the mind-body problem with behaviorism's basic approach to the problem.
Mr. Green contrasted his own approach to the mayor with Mr. Hevesi's.
Susan Schoon, Chase's director of marketing, contrasted the bank's approach to the positioning by Citibank.
He continued to write and critique poetry, entering into debates with early poets such as Edwin Murphy, whose style contrasted his own romantic approach.
"Those attempts were never made," he said, contrasting his preferred approach with the 151 heavily armed federal agents who took part in Saturday's raid.