Contrary to your statement, I can think of no case in which a common thief who was a first offender and otherwise led an exemplary life has been dealt with so harshly.
Contrary to Mr. Purcell's statement, it is not quite as good as the performance of the S.&P. 500 diversified financial index, which was up 173 percent.
Contrary to your statement, there are agreed-upon formulas to determine what is fair.
But contrary to his statement, there are no patrolling security guards, although staff members do hand out tickets and guide the flow of traffic.
Contrary to Evers's statement, the student movement would soon sweep through Jackson.
Contrary to his later public statement, his answers were not legally accurate.
Contrary to your headline's statement that the "universe may never be the same," the universe is fundamentally the same as it was yesterday and the day before that.
For example, contrary to DeSalvo's statement that he first raped Sullivan, the forensic investigation revealed no evidence to support that claim.
For example, the thermodynamic surface represented by the sculpture is often reported to be that of water, contrary to Maxwell's own statement.
However, contrary to your statement, geology does not "virtually guarantee that eventually the world will have to rely on Persian Gulf producers."