I have found no contrary feelings among any of the heads of government I have met.
Despite the impression that the World Series champions were a hotbed of chemistry and camaraderie, a contrary feeling existed in some areas of the clubhouse.
Sean looked up at the stars and he thought of Claudia, wondering why she evoked such contrary feelings in him.
At the age when it first occurs in respect of strong contrary feelings, the young child needs his parents to understand that the greater the yearning, the greater the protest.
In the Greek archipelago I had the contrary feeling.
But I had exactly the contrary feeling.
Blues singers are making their way through contrary feelings and states of mind, and the voice has to show it.
The prospect aroused a cluster of contrary feelings.
Rafael looked back at him; his face knotted up with contrary feelings.
The joy that Coleridge experienced within the poem was not to last as the poems that followed over the next few years contained contrary feelings.