The inveterate ideologue is too quick to explain contrary or merely conventional approaches to issues as some sort of conspiracy.
For the Hatches, Sterner took a contrary approach, building lower than its surroundings and creating a wide back garden, something very few Fifth Avenue mansions enjoyed.
He has taken a contrary approach to expanding as well.
In this song roles with contrary approaches to sexuality and inter-personal relationships (i.e. the child, the woman and the emancipated carer) are combined.
As for other stock market investments, Stanley Salvigsen, chairman of Comstock Partners Inc., a newly formed investment advisory firm, has taken a somewhat contrary approach.
A contrary approach is dynamic programming.
Mr. Kantor has taken a contrary approach.
A contrary approach portrays international relations as a permanent conflict between good and evil.
The contrary approach is known as "floating".
Last week, a mutual fund with a contrary approach began operations.