The report quoted several senior government officials, who were not identified, expressing contradictory views.
There is truth in both major candidates' contradictory views of Russian society today.
They still speak this way, but a new, contradictory view is also emerging.
Which of these apparently contradictory views is nearer to the truth?
Change the subject back to sources of power, and he again displays seemingly contradictory views.
Obviously some who held a contradictory view would have to give up their opinion about truth and believe when her message came through vision.
But her thinking mirrored the sometimes contradictory views of 9/11 families.
He claimed to have a pass from Congress and often stated contradictory political views.
At that time the leadership of the party held completely contradictory and confused views on economic policy.
As you read the novel, you'll be challenged to form your own opinions about contradictory views of human behavior.