This is a typical example of contradictory requirements where the filter design process may try to find a useful compromise.
In these versatile functions, THX must reconcile the contradictory requirements for film and music sound.
Obviously, these are contradictory requirements to be met with a single resonant circuit.
Manufacturers sacrifice true color to greater brightness, the two being contradictory requirements.
The best frequency is a compromise between contradictory requirements.
Explosion vent construction must balance the contradictory requirements "low inertia" and "high strength".
The quandary, never more acute than now, has been the contradictory requirements of privacy and accessibility.
The short term, the medium term and the long term pose contradictory requirements.
Skilled and experienced software engineers recognize incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory requirements at this point.
"There are two contradictory requirements," said Charles Slemon, a vice president of Volution.