Managing contradictory interests involves active participation and negotiation with other representatives of civil society.
But it represents a compromise between opposing or contradictory interests not untypical of media policy.
The outcome depends on Gorbachev's finding a common ground for people with distinct and often contradictory interests.
The Irish 'No' campaign was a broad coalition of contradictory interests.
As on so many other occasions, there are sometimes contradictory interests.
Certain higher and sometimes contradictory interests, however, could not be ignored, and we thus decided on a fallback solution.
The large number of stakeholders involved means that there are divergent, even contradictory, interests at play.
The region did well when we managed to reconcile often contradictory interests without harming values.
This requires attempting to find a balance between the sometimes contradictory interests of companies with different business models involved in the standard-setting process.
The channel's growing popularity is an indication that its programs satisfy Americans with a voracious, if contradictory, interest in food.