However, the lack of a quality vocalist and contractual problems prevented the project from getting off the ground.
He took almost a month to be able to play due to contractual problems with his former club.
But there are some minor contractual problems with some key players that could become an annoyance.
The album eventually sold some 200,000 copies, although management and contractual problems meant that the band received little reward for its success.
But because of legal and contractual problems, as well as simple oversight, much remains in the vaults.
But due to contractual problems he couldn't be loaned and returned to Flamengo.
Due to contractual problems, the album was pulled.
After the contractual problems were resolved, the album was reissued by Verve in 1968.
However, their career was cut short by financial and contractual problems, which forced them to disband shortly thereafter.
If contractual problems arise, you should clarify your position with your legal adviser.