When Boras denied that these things were contractual demands, Phillips insisted that the agent "made it clear to me" that "this was the necessary structure."
Happy to abide by a contractual demand for secrecy, he will scarcely admit to sharing the screen with Yoda.
Boras said yesterday that his nonmonetary requests were not contractual demands.
When he is not busy insulting entire Canadian provinces with his contractual demands, 18-year-old Eric Lindros can be seen dominating amateur hockey games with speed, bulk, creativity, and fearlessness.
The Russian handed over the packet and his contractual demands.
"The two companies illegally added melamine" to wheat gluten and rice protein, the government said, "in a bid to meet the contractual demand for the amount of protein in the products."
As the contracting process evolves individual practices might try to make their contracts more specific, but identifying patients from such practices to meet different contractual demands might prove expensive for the provider units.
A £600,000 transfer was almost in place when the French club made an unprecedented contractual demand, a morality clause in Nicholas's contract which would guarantee the players good behaviour.
With his new-found popularity, Larry Hagman threatened to leave the series unless his contractual demands were met.
Companies acquiesce in these contractual demands, consultants say, because while lower-level people are considered fungible, top executives are viewed as unique talents.