"Your contractors gave us a tape that shows a license number for the van that we believe left with the nuclear device," he said.
Some large contractors will give a rebate up front and collect from utilities or states themselves.
When military contractors give money, I suppose they consider that as an investment that will bring a sizable return.
One private contractor would build and install all the structures, giving some uniformity to the streetscape.
Short-term contractors give us both labour flexibility and the ability to bring in specialist skills as we need them.
Although many contractors give free estimates, they may charge for diagnostic tests.
These contractors gave money to local people promising double or triple the amount if they came to work in their coffee and cotton plantations.
If you're paid under deduction, make sure your contractor gives you monthly statements of payments and deductions.
Training is generally likely to be a management responsibility, with IT departments or contractors giving specific technical training as required.
The report also noted the explanations that the contractors gave for excluding some experimental data.