The contract hinged on the play of the spade suit, in which South could afford to lose one trick but not two.
The contract clearly hinged on the play of the trump suit.
The contract hinges on the results of Pentagon budget cutting.
If West had shifted to a club at the third trick, the contract would have hinged on the trump suit.
The ideal contract hinges on the method of scoring.
The contract hinged on the Levines' ability to get a mortgage, which they could not do without selling.
He is sure to lose one diamond trick, and the contract hinges on the number of trump losers.
The seven-heart contract hinged almost entirely on the location of the club king.
Curiously enough, this contract also hinged on a guess in clubs with the hand played in the opposite direction.
The six-heart contract obviously hinged on South's ability to deal with the trump queen.