He contracted dysentery at the beginning of June.
Prior to becoming pregnant with Tim, his mother contracted amoebic dysentery and fell into a coma.
He contracted dysentery as a result of over-indulgence and died during the night of 18 October 1216.
Under the care of doctors not familiar with him, he contracted dysentery, of which he died on 23 June.
After further military adventures, however, he contracted dysentery in Spain in 1370.
Here he evidently contracted dysentery, to which he succumbed in August 1825.
Wright contracted amoebic dysentery on a visit to Africa in 1957, and despite various treatments, his health deteriorated over the next three years.
Unfortunately he contracted dysentery after his arrival and died hospitalised in Jerusalem on 31 May 1904.
Shortly afterwards, he contracted dysentery which led to his death on 25 June 1868.
I had contracted dysentery, of a type known locally as 'cordillera killer'.