Northwest originally asked the pilots for contract changes of $500 million over five years.
Following further disagreements with their new label, the group decided to make another contract change to major Atlantic Records in 1987.
But the board has yet to negotiate contract changes with the teachers' union that would allow the summer session to be fully staffed.
Specific pay cuts and other contract changes were left up to the individual unions.
"Even if the contract changes, I still think we'd do it."
Microsoft officials insisted that the contract change was not so much a response to the commission's inquiry as it was an independent business decision.
Specific pay cuts and other contract changes were left up to the individual unions, whose members together hold about 55 percent of the company's stock.
Other people in the business say that whatever the motivations are for the contract changes, immigrants will be hurt the most.
The teachers union can be a partner in making these kinds of constructive contract changes.
They also lack knowledge about the implications of contract changes on large industrial companies.