"It is the worst contract arrangement I've seen in all my 20 plus years in naval engineering."
In addition it is the local government for all unincorporated areas, and provides services such as law enforcement to some incorporated cities under a contract arrangement.
Clemens can be a free agent at the end of the season under an unusual contract arrangement.
By 1835 the poor condition of the canal works was again giving cause for concern, and contract arrangements were put in place to rectify the situation.
Other incorporated cities have some or all of these services provided by the County under a contract arrangement.
As this is a very large contract arrangement, the complications of payment should not stand in the way.
Existing contract arrangements prevent / delay implementation of key components.
Negotiations between the parties regarding future contract arrangements begin next month.
As for pay scales, major league teams have different contract arrangements with players.
Examining such contract arrangements is well beyond the focus of the lawsuit filed by the Justice Department last year.