The total contract, including grading and gutters, amounted to $18,000.
These contracts amounted to several millions of dollars.
Thomas Di Lorenzo's contract for interior decoration amounted to $59,074.00.
The contract amounts to a $5,000 increase over what Olson gets now.
The contracts awarded amounted to 91.3 percent of the total agency goals, down from 95 percent for the year before.
Of that sum, the contracts awarded to Derwick amounted to $209 million.
These contracts amounted to 28 percent of the total futures volume traded and 41 percent of public volume.
While the overall project is expected to cost more than $1 billion, Martin Marietta's contract amounts to $508 million, over five years.
Mr. Benjamin's contract, signed last March, amounted to about $1,500 a square foot.
Groups that advocate press freedom, however, said the contract amounted to virtual censorship.