Attack - The initial offensive action made by extending the sword arm and continuously threatening the valid target of the opponent.
While training, Kurt attempts to foil the operations of a group of Thai mobsters led by Freddy Li, who continuously threaten and steal money from Xian's niece, Mylee.
Throughout the first half of the episode, Lester is on the verge of panic and acts suspiciously, while Jeff continuously threatens him if he "talks."
He continuously threatens Cassie (i.e. "I'll break your fingers one by one"), but she responds calmly and tells no one of the abusive letters.
According to the FIE rules, an attack is defined as "the initial offensive action made by extending the arm and continuously threatening the opponent's target...".
Throughout Roxanne's existence, it continuously threatened land, prompting numerous watches and warnings across Mexico and nearby areas.
The capital is typically controlled by factions from one of the provinces, and the outermost provinces continuously threaten to break free.
Elminster continuously threatened to spank me with an unseen servant spell while I studied.
Diane continuously threatens to tell Patty about the affair to get her way.
As Swedish invasions continuously threatened Norwegian Båhuslen in this period, the improvements to the fortifications continued for years.