The spectators became participants, taking part in Rhode's imagination that continuously seeks to reach beyond the boundaries of traditional artist-spectator roles.
Like every ambitious writer who continuously seeks a larger field for his vision, Heaney sometimes missteps.
Lightning continuously sought to kill the serpents and successful kills became numbered with the abundant local fossils.
I do not name them, for it is wrong to speak ill of the dead, even though they sought continuously to reduce my influence.
Financial difficulties, however, did not stop al-Jāḥiẓ from continuously seeking knowledge.
Continuously seeking to develop people to their full potential.
Although Woodruff continuously sought financial support through the years, this project was abandoned in 1939.
Why does man continuously seek to set boundaries?
He continuously sought the means to return the company to its historic location and artistic prestige.
We need to continuously seek a balance between conservation and further development.