As the cryogen boils within the cryostat, it is continuously replenished by a steady flow from the storage dewar.
Water is pumped up to the pyramid roof, and is continuously replenished.
The 40-hectare expanse of asphalt is 90m deep at its centre, where hot bitumen is continuously replenished from a subterranean fault.
The prime source of objects; they are continuously replenished.
This stock remains on the stove and is continuously replenished.
Through the incomprehensible workings of the egg-shaped device on his chest his worn-out cells would be continuously replenished.
Unlike the fluid in the frontal parts of the eye (aqueous humour) which is continuously replenished, the gel in the vitreous chamber is stagnant.
As members leave the group, their ranks are continuously replenished by trainees.
These energy sources are considered renewable sources because they are continuously replenished.
In this manner, the ions in the electrolyte bath are continuously replenished by the anode.