The plasma heats a gas stream that is pumped continuously through the torch.
The pool is actually a huge holding tank for an irrigation system, with water continuously pumped in on one side and flowing out on the other.
The flashlight must be pumped continuously during use, with the flywheel turning the generator between squeezes to keep the light going continuously.
The naturally cold underground water would be continuously pumped into a tub or other containers of milk set in the tub to cool after milking.
Water is continuously pumped into the channel to prevent it from falling dry.
In a continuous reactor, the product is continuously pumped through the reactor.
Water in these areas is continuously pumped in from the river providing a consistent water level thought the year.
The water is to be pumped continuously through the tunnel, with the round trip taking about seven hours.
Fresh air is continuously pumped under pressure into the capsule.
When it's running, cooled water is continuously pumped through the coils to prevent meltdown from overheating.