The light is emitted continuously, although they will wave their abdomens from side to side, which gives the impression of it brightening and dimming.
The crater of Mt. Naka, the west side of which is accessible by road, contains an active volcano which continuously emits smoke and has occasional eruptions.
This is because, in contrast to mobile handsets, it is emitted continuously and is more powerful at close quarters.
Kilauea, one of five volcanoes from which the island is formed, has been emitting continuously since 1983.
Every physical body spontaneously and continuously emits electromagnetic radiation.
The Sun continuously emits charged particles that stream into space as the solar wind.
Continuous, or Continuous Wave (CW), interference arises where the source continuously emits at a given range of frequencies.
The ribbons are formed via pseudopodia and they are able to continuously emit platelets into circulation.
Two infrared lights, one on each side of the main gun, continuously emit coded pulsed-infrared jamming when an incoming ATGM has been detected.
Current materials allow for operation at 25 C and continuous wave operation (continuously emitting light) at 3 GHz.