If the sound source had a natural cadence, the phasing created continuously shifting changes to the perceived rhythm as the material drifted in and out of phase.
Everything in the natural world is a result of the past, present and future actions of the archetypal beings, whose actions are continuously creating the world.
Pre-printed forms are popular for Scrabble games because they eliminate the need to continuously create such a list for each new game.
Despite his many exhibitions Zingraff continuously creates new works.
She continuously creates her own collection of paintings.
The goal of organizational architecture is to create an organization which will be able to continuously create value for present and future customers, optimizing and organizing itself.
According to Peacocke, God continuously creates the world and sustains it in its general order and structure; He makes things make themselves.
With Monachesi we are introduced to the "nomadic sculptures", where the artist ties and melts the foam sheet, continuously creating new forms and shapes.
Something down there must be continuously creating those complex, fragile compounds.
The entrepreneurial mindset : strategies for continuously creating opportunity in an age of uncertainty.