It contains one 71-minute track composed for continuous playback.
The RaveMP 2300 uses rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and has an estimated 10 hours of continuous playback on a single charge.
The system allowed for continuous playback of a complete one minute message.
Its original 90 minute version was looped at low volume in continuous playback for several days at Roach's home.
These applications need continuous long streams of data: an MP3 player will usually need about 16-40 kbyte/sec to enable continuous playback.
The Micro has a removable battery rated to last for up to 12 hours of continuous playback.
Due to its larger battery, the player can play up to 15 hours of continuous playback, 3 hours longer than its predecessor.
The player has an estimated battery life of 16 hours for audio, and five hours for videos (tested under continuous playback).
The cassette player can be a dual transport (double deck) that allows for hours of continuous playback or dubbing from one deck to the other.
Besides being reasonably shock resistant, the $349.95 player also promises 62 hours of continuous playback with NiMH rechargeable batteries.