The ground floor is separated from the second floor with a continuous frieze of vertical furrow motive.
The paintings are displayed as a continuous frieze, separated by small columns.
A continuous frieze, dentil molding, and cornice finish the top of the wall, where a parapet caps the composition.
The combat is on the right, the assembly on the left; and looked at in isolation this abrupt division of the continuous frieze appears awkward.
Below the pediment runs a continuous frieze.
These creatures usually form a continuous frieze on the vessels, but the larger and more elaborate beakers include the venatores and bestiarii.
Pevsner described the second quadrangle as "a uniform composition", noting the "regular fenestration by windows with round-arched lights, their hood-moulds forming a continuous frieze".
A continuous frieze of saints are set in niches around the walls.
Rather, underneath a continuous frieze of stucco with brick detailing, the new shopowners did pretty much as they wanted.
In a continuous frieze of glowing line, it weaves images, as simplified as coloring-book illustrations, that suggest the straightforward perceptions of childhood.