The surviving continuo part of the original aria suggests a significantly different character.
The Adagio is a melody made of short phrases, characteristic of early Bach, over what may be seen as a realized continuo part.
Kerll's work includes continuo parts that specifically order the performer to "avoid consonances".
It sits in a four-part texture between the oboes and continuo part.
As Zelenka was himself a violone player, he was known to write fast-moving continuo parts with driving and complicated rhythm.
The continuo part is performed by organ, and it can be supported by a viola da gamba.
At this time there was usually someone playing the harpsichord (the continuo part).
In the revision of 1743-1746, it is also these words (the Vox Christi) that receive a sustained continuo part.
In all prior versions (1727/1729, 1736, and 1742), the continuo part was sustained in all recitatives.
Gould himself played the continuo part on a "harpsipiano", a grand piano modified to sound more like a harpsichord.