But he said he considered its continued publication of the ads to conflict with Primedia's larger corporate message.
Maharaja Kameshwar Singh made a provision in his will for its continued publication.
The Trust is now attempting to secure copyright for the course in order to ensure its continued publication.
The continued publication, however, kept the trademark current.
Eisenhower was even threatened with court martial for continued publication of these proposed methods of tank deployment, and he relented.
Jones's father, Dr. Nelson Jones, who had written the original prospectus for the piece, covered most of the costs of its continued publication.
These people in turn were so amused that they sent donations to the Monarchy Party to help its continued publication.
The proposers of the law stated that it would "ensure the continued publication and integrity of peer-reviewed research works by the private sector".
Ultimately, the government decided to expel Seo from Korea and allow the continued publication of the paper under Yun Chi-ho.
Despite its continued publication, such aforementioned changes, as well as increasing government oppression, naturally led to the paper's loss of dignity as a newspaper.