The continued losses come as the industry is attracting more attention, particularly on Capitol Hill.
"But on the ice, clubs just cannot cope with the continued loss of players."
As a result of this continued loss, the hospital's cash position has deteriorated.
Despite Sun's continued losses, its executives said that the company was holding its own in market share.
Housing developments, roads and increased commercial property are some other major factors for the continued loss of habitat.
In its December 2001 report, the consultant concluded that the airport "is not sustainable and will likely lead to continued financial losses."
On 15 February, the concern about my continued loss of weight and problem with diarrhea was at an all-time high.
"I believe anything is better than a continued loss of lives."
In 1984, this division was sold after several years of continued losses.
These factors contributed to the continued financial losses for Fleischer's studio.