Sky Sports' continued coverage in the UK sees two live matches broadcast each week - one on Friday at 7:30pm and another at 6pm on Saturday.
Clearly it is the continued coverage of Hussein-as-villain in the news media, and not some inherent understanding of world politics, that prompts such responses.
Apparently seeking to assure continued docile coverage, Managua has been denying or delaying visas to journalists it perceives to be unsympathetic.
It would require the spouse or partner to pay 27 percent of the group rate for continued coverage and would cost $8 million a year at the outset, he said.
Losses in such cases are rare, since most companies generally have enough time to negotiate continued coverage for the stable value fund.
In the meantime, Mr. Young noted, the Allstate clients are guaranteed continued coverage.
After 18 months, the insurance carrier need only convert the continued coverage into a base hospital plan, not to a similar plan to include major medical and other catastrophic coverage.
"Such therapy, when extended beyond 28 days, is considered investigational and not eligible for continued coverage," said Cathleen Coleman, a spokeswoman for the company.
In exchange for continued coverage, their measure required the mapping of areas prone to erosion and prohibited new construction or substantial improvements on many buildings.
And I look forward to your continued coverage...we must all stay supportive --yet fair and balanced--with the O. administration.