Their work continues with the help of over 1,000 older Kentuckians who volunteer to be part of this research effort.
After going blind in 1670 due to glaucoma, Rumphius continued work on his six-volume manuscript with the help of others.
Fraser and her colleagues continued their campaign in the media, with the help of talkback radio host Alan Jones.
But he failed and the opportunistic Baumgarten continued in his career - with the help of the Party.
In his old age he wanted to continue the power but with the help of a viceroy, as it were.
However, he could continue his studies with the help of the administration of the conservatory and the support of friends.
The neighborhood continued to prosper in the last decades of the century, with the help of another immigrant community that would shape it.
The team's good form continued through the non-competitive wartime period with the help of many guest players.
During this phase, she continued to raise Lili's children, with the help of a close-knit circle of friends.
Continued my research with the help of the fantastic Janet Rogers.