The season continues through July 18 with performances by 15 American and foreign companies.
The festival continues through March 13, with performances at the school and the church.
The team was clearly affected by this, but continued with impressive performances.
Cube announced that the other four members would continue with the promotions and performances.
Following the press launch, the shows continued throughout the summer of 2009 with performances in 24 cities.
The band would continue as an inter-continental recording project with occasional live performances in Europe.
Owen continued with strong performances in the 2002-03 season which saw Liverpool top the league table and remain unbeaten for several months.
The festival continues with fireworks, parades, boat races, performances and art exhibits.
The band continued with live performances when Anastasio returned to the university in the fall.
Berntsen continued her career with better performances in the 2002-03 season.