Contemporary automata continue this tradition with an emphasis on art, rather than technological sophistication.
The six artists in this mostly intriguing show continue in that vein, with an emphasis on memory.
"It is clear to me that the trends we have been observing are very likely to continue, with a declining emphasis on marriage."
Thief 4 is rumored to continue this trend, possibly with a heavier emphasis on the identity of "The City".
There he continued research in radio, with an emphasis on vacuum tube (valve) development.
The same format continues to this day only with a stronger emphasis on music.
Monitoring of climatic conditions continued, with an emphasis on the impact of Foehn winds on glacier mass balance.
Work on the installer has continued in Fedora 13, with an emphasis on simplifying the installation process and making it more intuitive.
He continued his study of ancient cultures and symbolism independently, with a particular emphasis on the founding of America.
Land preservation, a Pataki administration priority, will continue, Ms. Enck said, but "with a greater urban emphasis."