This pattern continued relatively undisturbed until 1959, when a short period of major upheaval began.
Meanwhile, because they sit so low in the body, the passengers can continue with conversations undisturbed.
The low voices continued undisturbed in the distance.
He pulled back, without a word, and they continued on, allowing the proud animal to continue undisturbed and untouched.
As long as reality continues undisturbed, I think we can assume the baby is still safely sleeping.
The close friendship had continued quite undisturbed by the Colliers' marriage.
For the rest of the time he would be able to continue with his present life undisturbed.
These same people, of course, are those who would have been quite content to allow Saddam's tyranny to continue undisturbed.
Norton's orders were ignored by the Army, and Congress likewise continued undisturbed.
There is significant evidence that even though the city was abandoned, the life in the hinterland continued undisturbed.