His career continued undiminished for another quarter of a century.
When the red mists cleared and he could see again, he went on, but the burning ache in his chest continued undiminished.
His business declined through the 1850s in the face of increasing competition, though his scientific interests continued undiminished.
What was important was that her hold over him had continued undiminished.
Contacts of every kind with his homeland continued undiminished.
Soviet military support of the Sandinistas continues undiminished by a single bullet.
After Mohan gets back to India and settles in married life, his passion for women continues undiminished.
All the preparations and our work on them will continue undiminished, as will the negotiations with the individual countries.
Unfortunately for Arla, the boycott continued undiminished for some time.
So summer after summer the Tour's popularity continues undiminished.