They continued touring through Europe and started to record their new album in spring 2006.
In 1984, they continued touring live houses for more exposure.
Through the Summer into the fall of 2008, the band continued touring and doing festivals.
He continued touring Europe, usually playing music festivals in the summer.
He retired from Congress in 1960 but continued touring the country giving speeches until five years ago.
She continued touring each year in the Americas until 1870.
The band continued touring to support these two last albums.
After the departure of Williams, the band continued touring through 2004.
He continued touring and recording until just before his death.
The band continued touring through 1996, playing in Japan for the first time.
He continued recording and touring, although his success was intermittent.
The band continued touring, playing many live dates, and in 1984 released a second studio album.
The band continued extensive touring in 2005 and 2006.
Furthermore she was able to continue touring and releasing records well into her 80s.
Celebration Castle was released in early 2005 and the band continued touring.
Although he pressured them to continue touring, they steadfastly refused.
They reformed in the early 1990s to continue touring and recording successfully.
Lewis continued touring, eventually marketing the band as a nostalgia act.
We wanted to continue intense touring and press, Mike was ready to go home.
He spent some time off the road while the rest of the group continued touring.