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Providers are encouraged to continue administering remaining supplies of seasonal vaccine.
If we want to be neutral, should we continue normal supplies to the Reds or should they be discontinued?
But the two sides have now agreed on what is called "positive symmetry," which allows them to continue supplies at equivalent levels, but with a private agreement that these levels will be zero.
But Mr. Savimbi, who has collected about $500 million a year in diamond revenues, appears to have been able to continue buying supplies and weaponry.
From there Price was then to continue onward to the west, cross into Kansas and head south through the Indian Territory, "sweeping that country of its mules, horses, cattle, and military supplies".
Those negotiations are expected to be wrapped up early next year, and many critics of the bureau, including the Environmental Working Group, are not happy that they will apparently continue supplies of federally subsidized water for farms.
This year, Mr. Reagan must make a candid, sustained case to Congress for continuing military and nonlethal supplies to Nicaragua's freedom fighters.
They were to continue producing supplies for the printers.
Despite the resumption of surface traffic into the city, the airlift continued until 30 September to mass a reserve of food, fuel, and other supplies in the event the Soviets reimposed the blockade.