The suits could require the utilities to spend billions of dollars on new equipment, and last spring the Bush administration ordered a review of the lawsuits to see whether the Justice Department should continue prosecuting them.
There a number of the scrutators disembarked to continue prosecuting the western war.
Graham wants to continue prosecuting Leonard for breaking into Lois' apartment, but she wants to drop the case and orders him to bring the boy home.
While critics charged that Strickland targeted the Golyanskys because of their Republican leanings, John Suthers, Strickland's replacement and a Republican, reviewed the case and decided to continue prosecuting despite alleged problems with the case.
Resolution of the issue has been eagerly awaited by prosecutors and civil liberties lawyers as it will probably determine whether the government can continue prosecuting members of Al Qaeda and other important terrorist suspects in civilian courts.
He said the city would "continue prosecuting this case vigorously."
A8 Concern Over Prosecutions Bush administration lawyers said that a federal judge's decision to throw out much of the case against Zacarias Moussaoui is threatening to undermine the Justice Department's plans to continue prosecuting Al Qaeda terrorists in civilian courts.
It is also important for applicants, giving them a basis for deciding whether to continue prosecuting their applications and have them examined.
Sympathetic to the anti-war Federalist Party, he nevertheless brokered a $7.5 million loan to the cash-strapped Republican administration of James Madison in 1813 to continue prosecuting the war.
The war with the Ottomans continued until June 26, 1599, when Michael, lacking the resources and support to continue prosecuting the war, signed a peace treaty.