I hurried out of the museum, while the ghastly chorus continued its song of death.
Intrigued, Sekolah continued his song, and slowly a great shell rose from the darkness.
The laughing girl continued her song, but Michael Strogoff ceased to listen.
He vomited on Goblin's boots, tried to continue his song.
As trucks roared past the chemical plant I work in, the bird continued its song.
The Sultan stepped through the window, but the bird took no notice, continuing his song as before.
Aphrael blew him a little trill of recognition and continued her song.
Then she looked at the ruins around them in utter astonishment as the Knife continued its song.
The building continued its song while people gathered around it, each crying out in what could very possibly be some hasty new harmony.
Gross continued his song writing and recording career in Nashville.