If the market continues its recovery, space in prime buildings may well be going for more than $50 a foot several years from now.
He was subsequently released from hospital on 10 June 2007 to continue his recovery at home.
So, with regret, I have to pull out of this tournament and continue my recovery.
She left hospital and returned home to continue her recovery on 7 June 2006.
"It's just a question of can he continue his recovery."
That's why, throughout 2012 and beyond, we look forward to working with you to help continue our nation's economic recovery.
South Sudan will continue its recovery from twenty two years of civil war.
For more complicated surgeries, you may have to move to a hospital room to continue your recovery.
"The right local hospital and community services will be put in place to enable patients to continue their recovery closer to home."
He said the problem could grow particularly acute in the coming year, as the economy continues its long recovery.