The Invid stream of light flies off into space in search for a new planet on which to continue their evolution.
Still, the sport continues its rapid evolution, and the one direction it apparently will not go is backward.
Scaglietti's work continued his evolution of the long, low aerodynamic body style seen on the Mondial.
The sound of this album continues the band's musical evolution, with more electronic instruments and effects than previous albums.
The quitra did not become extinct, however, but continued its evolution.
The Regess takes her followers into space again, in search of a new planet on which to continue their evolution.
VWF does this and will do more as it continues its evolution.
The T111 concept and technology continued its evolution in following years with successful line of Tatra models.
Choruses continued their evolution to be the major part of a song in this period.
The park continued its evolution during the cold war.