Interestingly, the column continues to flourish, notwithstanding the supposed decline of the print medium and the rise of electronic journalism.
The decline continued notwithstanding the construction of a short branch line to Wells Harbour in 1860.
The noise continued, notwithstanding his appearance, until Gashford looked round.
Though then already past her prime, she captivated the young prince, and her sway continued unbroken for many years, notwithstanding her numerous rivals.
He continued: "I can counsel you, notwithstanding my great age, in relating to you what happened to me in 1560."
Our efforts to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear weapons must continue notwithstanding these appalling scenes.
Captain Nichols recorded: "We continued in this dismal situation three days; the ship, notwithstanding our endeavours, full of water, and expected to sink every minute."
We must be more careful over price reductions and continue our interventions regarding beef and olive oil, notwithstanding the Commission's proposals.
We continued our picnic, notwithstanding the light rain.
The captain continued playing, notwithstanding the obvious pain of his knee injury.