However, it continued northwestward and avoided landfall in the state.
The storm continued northwestward, then turned to the southwest, and erratically looped to the south on September 22.
The line continued northwestward through several small farming communities, servicing grain elevators.
The low-level circulation of Carlotta persisted for several days as it continued northwestward.
As the road continues northwestward, the shrubs and trees become more dense along hillsides.
After leaving the island, Pamela continued steadily northwestward for two days while maintaining its intensity.
The remnants continued northwestward before turning to the west-southwest due to a ridge.
Despite this fact, the route officially continues northwestward toward downtown Rochester.
It continued northwestward, and hit southeastern China 2 days later.
The storm continued northwestward, dissipating over Mississippi on the September 1.