"You know it's true," his informant continued enthusiastically.
Smiling benignly at his startled expression she continued enthusiastically.
Despite her exaggerated efforts to wave the smoke away, the man continued to puff enthusiastically.
He continues enthusiastically through dozens of others, exclaiming, "What a list of names!
"Then there's my burial section," he continued enthusiastically as they ascended the stairs.
"It's even better to listen to him," Brian continued enthusiastically.
Then, he eased himself off the bench and across the porch and into the house, as the group enthusiastically continued with another raucous favorite.
"Then there was this beach," Gonff continued enthusiastically.
"I see how it was," he continued enthusiastically.
Sarmiento continued enthusiastically in this manner while his staff hurried, hunch-shouldered, about their duties.